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Veröffentlicht 21. November 2023

Agrovoltaics: Design Optimization for the Sun-Crop Symbiosis

The key lies in design optimization to ensure that both the solar panels and the crops achieve optimal performance.


Choosing the Right Layout

One of the key aspects of agrovoltaic design optimization is determining the appropriate solar panel spacing. It's vital to consider the angle of the sunlight during different times of the year to ensure sufficient illumination of the crops under the panels. Greater spacing might also mean better airflow, which can be beneficial for some plants.


Panel Height

The height of the solar panel installation has a decisive influence on the amount of light falling on the crops underneath. Higher panels may provide more light to the plants but might also be more expensive to install and maintain.


Transparent Solar Panels

One of the new technological innovations that can contribute to the success of agrovoltaics is transparent solar panels. These panels allow a certain amount of light to pass through, which can be beneficial to the crops growing underneath.


Selecting Suitable Crops

Not all crops are suitable for an agrovoltaic system. Some of them require more sunlight, while others thrive in partial shade. Only thorough research and testing will help to determine which crops are best suited for combination with solar panels.



Agrovoltaics represents a revolutionary approach to simultaneous energy and food production. careful design optimization is necessary to achieve optimal performance. When used properly, agrovoltaics can be a win-win solution for energy, agriculture, and the environment.

Author of the article: Aneta Pokorná

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